Lanuza victim's family finally signs court decision

Posted at 07/25/2013 3:59 PM | Updated as of 07/25/2013 4:42 PM

MANILA, Philippines - Filipino worker Rodelio "Dondon" Lanuza may soon be freed, after the family of his victim has reportedly signed the court decision needed for his release.

Vice President Jejomar C. Binay said he received a report from Ambassador Ezzedin Tago that the victim's family already signed the printed copy of the court decision that has an updated notation that the family has accepted the blood money and is no longer pursuing its earlier demand for qizas or beheading.

"I learned from Ambassador Tago that Lanuza’s case file will no longer be sent to the Court of Appeals and will be forwarded to the Emir’s office once the judge in charge signs the endorsement," he said.

Binay quoted Tago as saying Sheikh Ibrahim Al-Sayyari, Head of the Dammam Grand Court, has instructed the administrative supervisor to prepare the endorsement so it could be signed and sent immediately.

Once the judge in charge signs the endorsement, Lanuza's case file will be sent to the Emir's office. The Emir’s office will then issue an order on the settlement of the case and the complete case file will be sent to the Ministry of Interior for clearance.

After the ministry issued the clearance, the Emarah will direct the concerned police authorities including jail authorities to begin deportation procedures.

Lanuza was on death row for allegedly killing a Saudi national. Saudi's highest court affirmed his death penalty in 2001 but he was pardoned after the family asked for blood money.

The Philippine government together with private individuals and non-government organizations raised 700,000 riyals (P7.6 million) for Lanuza’s blood money. The Saudi king meanwhile shouldered the balance of 2.3 million riyals needed for his release.


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