OFW recruiter in HK offers bogus Canada jobs
A warning to all overseas Filipino workers in Hong Kong: The Canada jobs offered by
Yamsuan and Associates Overseas Employment Services Ltd./Pacific Management
Services Ltd. are non-existent!
Citing a report from DFA’s Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers’ Affairs
(OUMWA), POEA Administrator Hans Leo J. Cacdac said Yamsuan and Associates has
been posting ads in English newspapers in Hong Kong specifically targeting household
service workers for supposed jobs in Canada.
“The advertisement says the agency can help them find work in Canada and invites
them to an orientation in its office,” according to OUMWA.
According to the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong, Yamsuan and Associates
is owned and operated by a Filipino known only as Mr. Yamsuan and had Filipinos in
its staff. Yamsuan has listed its Hong Kong address as 9
th Floor, 4-6 Morrison Hill Road, Wanchai.
The OUMWA said at least 44 of the alleged victims of Yamsuan and Associates have
filed complaints at the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong. The complainants
said Yamsuan charged them placement fees ranging from approximately US$100 to
US$300 for “a job in Canada”. When the promised jobs did not materialize, the
applicants trooped to Yamsuan’s office, only to find it vacated and non-operational.
The Consulate General urged other victims of Yamsuan and Associates Ltd./Pacific
Management Services Ltd. to come forward and file their statements with the Hong
Kong police.
Cacdac advised applicants to be more vigilant and discerning in dealing with
recruitment firms.
“Scammers with tempting job offers are out there, waiting to pound on unsuspecting
applicants who are willing to part with their hard-earned money for a chance to work
overseas,” Cacdac said. /END