2 Pinoy fishermen hurt in Panatag boat explosion --- Evelyn Macairan - The Philippine Star

MANILA, Philippines — Two Chinese vessels reportedly initially tried to block a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel about to rescue eight Filipino fishermen, two of whom suffered second-degree burns after their boat’s engine exploded near Panatag Shoal on Saturday. PCG spokesperson Rear Admiral Armand Balilo said yesterday that based on an initial report submitted by the BRP Sindangan, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy 572 and China Coast Guard (CCG) 3105 attempted to stop their ship while on its way to rescue the fishermen of the FBca AKIO. However, the PCG said that when the two Chinese ships learned that the PCG was on a rescue mission, they were allowed to proceed. “During the operation, our vessel received radio challenges, as well as encountered shadowing and initial blocking by CCG and PLA Navy ships,” Balilo said. “The CCG and PLA Navy vessels stopped shadowing our ship when they were informed by the Angel of the Sea (female radio operator) on board about the humanitarian mission,” he added. Balilo also said that “In times of emergencies, the safety of life should always be our priority. The PCG and CCG communicated in a diplomatic manner and set aside issues on sovereignty, in the spirit of humanitarianism.” Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan, PCG commandant, said, “The swift rescue operation proves the significance of our constant presence at BDM (Bajo de Masinloc/Panatag).”


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