Alert Pinay saleslady catches Nigerian circulating fake $100 bills in UAE

An alert Filipina saleslady helped authorities in the United Arab Emirates catch a Nigerian man paying for various items with fake $100 bills last year.

The Nigerian, 25, confessed buying cheap items using fake $100 bills so he can get change in dirhams, news site Khaleej Times reported Friday.

He was sentenced to six months in jail by the Court of First Instance, which also ordered him to pay a fine of Dh2,000 and to be deported after completing his jail term.

An investigation showed the Nigerian bought a box of color pens and a gadget, and got Dh308 in change from the saleswoman at a shopping center at Al Rafaa.

But when the Filipina went to convert the $100 bill at an exchange outlet, she said she was told the bill was fake.

Police also tracked the Nigerian following complaints from many shops in Bur Dubai that an African national bought items and paid with fake $100 bills.

They eventually tracked him down using surveillance footage of the shop, and authorities arrested him when he went to Al Rafaa police station to recover his passport last July 24.

The Nigerian also faces a separate criminal case where he is accused of buying a 


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