HK convicts 81 Pinoys in 2014 over unlicensed firearms

Hong Kong authorities had arrested 81 Filipinos in 2014 for bringing unlicensed firearms there, prompting the Philippine Consulate General to reiterate its warning against bringing restricted items, particularly stunning devices, in hand-carried or checked-in luggage.

According to the consulate, 81 Filipino nationals, especially seafarers, were convicted of possession of arms without license in 2014.

"Under Hong Kong’s Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance, travelers are banned from bringing in stunning devices at all the territory’s ports," the consulate said in an advisory posted last week on its website.

It said stun guns and other devices such as tear gas, bullets, extendable batons, flick knives, and knuckle dusters are considered as "arms" in Hong Kong and are restricted under its Firearms and Ammunition Ordinance.

"Offenders will be arrested by Hong Kong police and prosecuted by Hong Kong courts and may face a penalty of up to HK$100,000 or approximately US$13,333 and a maximum prison sentence of 14 years," the consulate said. —KBK, GMA News


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