Trial starts for Pinoy nurse accused of murdering 3 patients in UK

Filipino nurse Victorino Chua is set to face trial in the United Kingdom on Monday for allegedly murdering three of his patients and attempting to poison several others from 2011 to 2012.

report on UK news site The Courier said Chua was accused of three counts of murder for the deaths of Tracey Arden, 44, Arnold Lancaster, 71, and Derek Weaver, 83, at Stepping Hill Hospital in Stockport.

Chua, a father of two, will also face one count of grievous bodily harm with intent and of administering a poison, 22 counts of attempted grievous bodily harm, and eight counts of attempting to cause a poison to be administered.

Chua has yet to formally enter pleas but had earlier denied all accusations.

Justice Peter Openshaw will preside over the trial that is expected to last for four months.

Manchester Evening News report in September 2014 said Chua allegedly forged papers to work at a care home in 2008, three years before working at Stepping Hill Hospital.

These forgery charges were consolidated with the others, the report said.

It added that the case includes at least 619 witnesses and 27,000 pages of statements and exhibits, with expert evidence central to the case.

Chua was arrested in 2012. Rie Takumi/KBK, GMA News


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